Oh my dear and gentle readers, in response to your very firm and emphatic pleas I must say that I cannot see a continuation of the Story in the near future. Please forget that it was even started. I think that if I was to finish it properly, I would have to watch a violent movie and then stay up til 2:30 in the morning typing furiously with TobyMac playing silently in the background to settle my racing adrenaline (um...TobyMac the cd-not the actual person playing silently in the background). Anyway, I'm sorry for letting you all down. You'll just have to get over it.
Have you ever had the feeling like you were sitting in front of a strange computer in a strange room while a group of strangers except 3 are being taught literature in the next room? No? Wow you're lucky. I'm feeling that feeling right now and it's actually reality. I'm in The Grange after art class while Jonni, Kess, and Dree are learning about stuff people from far away lands have written during far away times. I think I'll just plug my head into Skillet and get lost in my economics..."We're takin' over the world/we're the alien youth/we're comin' for your soul/..." almost as good as Timmy Turtle's sermons.
Ooo that reminds me! I've gotta think up a new name for the Misplaced Texas Android. As a home-coming-initiation-ceremony we threw him on his back, rolled him in horse poops, and patted his belly once very firmly. After that we stuffed him full of corn and beans and chickee pot pie and we christened him...The Man.
Well, I gotta go and accomplish some more usefull stuff.
J-uh-Juh, hold on to your hair with all your might.
Big Baby, *squawk* take me with you!
Agent J, stay green-lunar green that is.
Faaah-thaaah, I'm never really actually bored.
Lady, I'm sad that you've never read this.
The Man, hope you like your name-if you don't, too bad.
Dree, daaaalingk!
Kess, keep spinning your magic jewelry
Jonni, my name is Aaaaaaah!!
Holli, you must me christened...soon my dear soon
Ok strangers are invading bye!