I must thank Timmy Turtle for a better name for Friendly-eyes Longshnaks. I hope he (Timmy Turtle) doesn't mind if I borrow some fruit from his ever-fruitful brain.
Well, Friendly-eyes Longshanks, your name must be changed for the sake of cleverness and typing ease. You now will be referred to in this blog as: Sir Cupcake. Please do not take this as a bash against your masculinity; on the contrary, only you would be able to hold up such a name with the bravery and manliness it requires. Keep in mind that everyones' names on this blog are subject to change-yours included if you just cannot stand it. Please let me know.
On to other matters. Today is the Day that we introduce Myo-tore to The Relatives. We've started him off easy by spending the night at my favorite cousins' place. Now we'll see how long Granny will be nice to him and how long he can stand the 20 questions thrown at him by all the great aunts. Mwahahahaha!