Wednesday, August 23, 2006


This'll just have to be a quickie. I have realized that I must change my little color scheme here because it looks just like my Grandmother's kitchen countertops. And it scares me just a little bit.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Stranger

Yes, kids I am housesitting again. Well, Big Baby and I are. Although she's here mostly for the evenings since she has to work every day.
I am done with my chores for now and I was just walking from the kitchen to the computer room wondering what to blog about hit me.
My brain was searching all of its memory files and inventorizing what I need to catch up on when I realized that I had not blogged at all since the stranger arrived in town.
It was June and I had just witnessed a wedding (settle down! It wasn't Antlers' wedding!).
I first saw him on Antlers' porch. He came cloaked with the shadows cast by the setting sun. He calls himself Josh. Typical. I call him Mosh. His real name is probably on a two of spades carried by an American soldier.
Those were my thoughts on that day. In the weeks following they kind of evolved so to speak. I don't think of him as a Jihad terrorist anymore. He's one of us now and I have confirmed once again that first impressions are not always the best.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Bad One Begins Again

Oooookaaaaay. I must beg on my knees again for your gracious forgiveness. I've been a bad little girl for letting so much dust collect on this floundering blog. So will you accept my pathetic apology?
Now, let's see. When did I last leave off? May??! Ooooo, that's bad. Wow...tsk. Hmmm. Hoo boy...sigh. Jeesh.
Well, there's nothing for it. I'll just start from the nearest past thing. Big Baby and I are house sitting yet again. This time for the Blenders. We started yesterday. Now that I don't have school to do, I'll have to be especially clever to keep myself busy. Last night, I had a dream that J-uh-Juh was dying and I knew I wouldn't be able to see him before he died. It woke me up I was so upset. In fact, I was so upset that I scheduled for a blood-letting on Monday. At least it'll be for a good cause.
Now I can't think of anything else to say. This might just have to be a short post, kids. My bacon must have been laced with brain dead stuff. More later ok? K.O.