The Events that Occurred When the Hay Crew Camped their Heads Off
It was promised, and a few months later, it was brought to pass.
As I sit here in the Commons of a certain mountainous region, my mind spins like grey colored water chasing itself down the drain. It spins in such a manner because those five days spent camping seemed to be so long ago . Like last year, I think I'm going to just make a list of the many, many highlights. Here ve go.
Hightlights of Our Most Excellent Camping Trip
- Nothing was said without a song
- We all saw where Big Baby and Antlers' priorities dwell
- I laughed until toes ran down my sedan
- The crawdads lived and died to their fullest
- Jonny and I flunked Indian driver's ed.
- There is more than one way to wear a red union suit
- Dreethefair's poor lip got in the way of my poor elbow
- A moment of silence, please, for my thumb ring
- Caves, caves, caves
- Tourists-those who wish to have their chariots backed into. It's ok, Mosh. Don't be mad that I mentioned it.
- By the fourth day, my scalp crumbs had their own personalities. By the fifth day each one had multiple personalities
- A swim in the lake will demonstrate just how tall one's goosebumps can get (and just how good a campfire feels)
That is as much as I can list. I wont tell you how many times I wished I was able to keep my mouth shut. Sometimes I am so uncouth. It's a thorn in my flesh that twists and triggers that dual-action nerve which turns off my common sense and turns on my blabber mouth.
So, if I have forgotten anything. Please comment and remind me.